Why Foundation Rwanda for Karen Rothman-Fried

Newsgraphics2007_650215aYesterday I got a note from Andrew Fried, the husband of Karen Rothman-Fried, the PS 321, teacher who died suddenly and tragically last week. Andrew Fried wrote that while Karen did not have a connection with Foundation Rwanda, they had recently been  speaking about becoming involved with

According to Fried, Karen indicated that she wanted to support something that
was directed to helping women/girls in underdeveloped countries.

Foundation Rwanda, which pairs that desire with her love of teaching and
education, was, therefore, a perfect choice.

For information and donations in Karen Rothman-Fried’s name:
Foundation Rwanda
241 Avenue of Americas 14C
New York, NY  10014

Photo of a Rwandan woman with her daughter by JonathanTorgovnik.