Paper Love Coming to Lincoln Place

Here’s the latest on continuing adventures of the three shops just east of Seventh Avenue on Lincoln Place (between 6th and 7th Avenues). At the moment there’s Stitch Therapy at 176 Lincoln and One of a Find, a resale and vintage clothing shop.

Now Paper Love, a lovely looking shop that sells cards, wrapping paper and other paper good is set to open on Lincoln Place in the shop that used to be Pickleboots, the children’s bedding and toy shop.

Pickleboots, which sells "unique and groovy custom bedding for kids" has moved to Maggie’s Threads for Kids. 411 Seventh Avenue in Park Slope between 13th and 14th Streets.

The building is owned by a lovely older man who spends a lot of time making customized wood planters for each of the shops. He paints the planters with special designs related to each shop. He’s a real master and takes great pleasure, it seems, in his craft.

We wave at each other most days. Here’s something I wrote about him in May of 2008:

White hair, ruddy face; he wears
green Wellington boots when it rains. He looks handy; happy with tools.

He seems like a very nice man. Just the other day, he was trimming
the magnolia or some such blossomy tree he’s got in front of his red
brick building over there.

He makes nice painted signs for the stores. He helps fix their
places up. He seems very involved in the day to day running of his