Lots for Volunteers to Do in Park Slope

Some OTBKB readers wrote in with suggestions about volunteer opportunities in the Park Slope area. Benda Becker wrote in with this suggestion:

I’m sure tons of people will mention CHIPS
(Christian Help in Park Slope) on 4th Ave. but I can vouch that they’re a great
org. that serves people of every faith. Their soup kitchen gets a lot of
volunteers from church groups etc. around the holidays but undoubtedly needs
much more help at other times; they also run a transitional housing piece
upstairs called Frances House for moms of new babies (or about-to-be moms) who
would otherwise be homeless. I’ve done overnight ‘dorm mother’ duty for Frances
House and can vouch that they will not waste anyone’s time or money and have no
weird agendas. And they truly serve our immediate community.

Brooklyn Based sent a link to the post they did about good causes a few weeks ago.

2 thoughts on “Lots for Volunteers to Do in Park Slope”

  1. Last Spring Assemblywoman Joan Millman and Assemblyman Jim Brennan, who represent different parts of Park Slope, sponsored a Volunteer Fair, which was attended by more than 600 people. As part of the fair our offices compiled a directory featuring more than 70 Brooklyn organizations who welcome volunteers, including groups in Park Slope. The directory can be picked up at Assemblywoman Millman’s office at 341 Smith Street in Carroll Gardens, or at Assemblyman Brennan’s office at 416 Seventh Avenue in Park Slope.

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