Is There a McCain Voter in Park Slope?

Some students in front of PS 321 were doing a survey. "Obama or McCain?" they asked as I walked by. When I said Obama one of the little girls jumped up and down, "We’re not getting any McCain’s."

Question: Does anyone know anyone voting for the John McCain/Sarah Palin ticket in Park Slope? Just wondering.

9 thoughts on “Is There a McCain Voter in Park Slope?”

  1. Bob and Sue Olson on 11th Street are voting for McCain.
    Betty Donohue on the same block is voting for McCain, as are the Dixons, unless Margie is wavering.
    About one of five voters in Park Slope will probably vote Republican for President, if past voting patterns hold.

  2. Yep. And he said to me yesterday, “There’s more of us that you’d think, we’re just not very public about it.?

  3. There was a story about this in The NY Times recently. Apparently, there are a few houses on 11th Street which are decorated with McCain posters.

  4. there is a brownstone on 11th or 12th street btw 8th and the park that has a mccain sign – and i know a greenwich villager who is voting for mccain.

  5. Well, its funny, I did a little Q&A for the Park Slope reader a couple weeks ago, asking people in front of the coop who they would be voting for. I thought, well, this is gonna be pretty straightforward! But, the very first person I asked was a McCain supporter! They do exist!

  6. There was a piece in The Times last week about a few Slope McCain supporters. But I noticed that a McCain poster that had been in an apartment window on 7th Av near Berkeley Pl. has disappeared – sign of onset of sanity, perhaps.

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