Brooklyn Optimist is Quivering with Rage Over Term Limits Vote

Here’s an excerpt from the Brooklyn Optimist:

To say that I am appalled at yesterday’s Council vote is to grossly
understate my reaction. Last night, I was indignant. This morning, I
woke up quivering with rage.

sitting through the Brooklyn Democratic County Committee meeting last
month, I felt certain that this farce would be the most ridiculous political
theater of the year. But, leave it to the New York City Council to come
storming back a mere month later with a production so well-orchestrated
and rehearsed that it deserved Broadway’s most ostentatious marquee.

least, the Brooklyn Democratic County Committee meeting had no
pretension. All of our electeds, except Charles Barron, dutifully read
through the script in a homogenous monotone that laid plain the
emptiness of our faux democracy. To his credit, the evening’s chair
Marty Connor practically admitted that our attendance was all just for