Park Slope Filmmaker Makes With Loads of Celebs

Check this out: Park filmmaker Sue Kramer, who directed Grey Matters and is also one of the Park Slope 100 has something to share with OTBKB readers. A video called: You Vote.

Presently, I have an even more exciting project! I have conceived and directed a video called YOU VOTE,
—I think of it as the first passionate, playful, joyful, video to
appeal to ALL to get out and vote. It stars everyone from Anne
Hathaway, Susan Sarandon, Samuel Jackson, The Muppets and 40 other
celebrities. If there is anything you can do to push people to go to
the site or go to YOUTUBE and type in you vote video. I would greatly
appreciate it!

One thought on “Park Slope Filmmaker Makes With Loads of Celebs”

  1. Way to go….great video–should be in all theaters as a preview—or like a newsreel in the old days!
    bravo, Sue!!!

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