Jamie Livingston Polaroid-A-Day on Canadian Broadcasting Corp.

2587269913_0021313917Listen to this CBC Podcast. It’s a very moving and beautiful segment about  Jamie Livingston, who took a Polaroid a day for 18 years including his last. The show includes interviews with Hugh Crawford and Betsy Reid, who re-photographed over 6,000 Polaroids and created the site, as well as Chris Higgins of Mental Floss, who uncovered the site before it was ever meant to be found. You can also hear Betsy read the letter Jamie wrote to the Polaroid Corporation in 1986.

One thought on “Jamie Livingston Polaroid-A-Day on Canadian Broadcasting Corp.”

  1. I just wanted to let you know that I found this site through stumbling on Chris’ site mental floss. I find it very fascinating and have bookmarked the site to look through at my leisure.
    I am trying to take photos of my son over time – he had his own website before he was born and 3 hours after his birth he was online for the world to see. Photos of life and time is something that we are so lucky to be able to share.

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