All Welcome to Blogfest: A Public Event for One and All

Just to be clear: Bloggers and non-bloggers alike are welcome at the Blogfest, a public event for one and all, on May 8th at 8 p.m.

The Lyceum is BIG and we can hopefully accomodate everyone who wants to be there.

Come to the Brooklyn Blogfest and find out why Brooklyn is the bloggiest place in the United States at the Third Annual Brooklyn Blogfest on May 8th at 8 pm at the Brooklyn Lyceum at 227 Fourth Avenue (at President Street) in Park Slope.

“Where better to take the pulse of this rapidly growing community of writers, thinkers and observers than the Brooklyn Blogfest?” wrote Sewell Chan in the New York Times last year.

An event for bloggers and non-bloggers alike, the Blogfest brings together citizen journalists, place bloggers, photo bloggers, special interest bloggers, and the creative, quirky, and personal bloggers that make the Brooklyn Blogosphere such a fascinating place to be.

Come hear: Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn, Creative Times, Bed-Stuy Blog, Gowanus Lounge, New York Shitty, Flatbush Gardener, and Luna Park Gazette.

Special features include a video by Blue Barn Pictures, a salute to Brooklyn’s photo bloggers, Top Ten Tips for New Bloggers plus special message from WNYC radio talk show host Brian Lehrer and a promo from Brooklyn Independent Television’s: A Walk Around the Blog.

Learn about blogging; be inspired to blog. Best of all, participate in the annual SHOUT-OUT: A chance to share YOUR blog with the world!

For additional information call or email: Louise Crawford at 71-288-4290 or louise_crawford(at)yahoo(dot)com

One thought on “All Welcome to Blogfest: A Public Event for One and All”

  1. Is the Blogfest handicap accessible this year? If you like, you can email a response instead of posting this as a comment.

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