More to Love About Park Slope

Brooklyn Based, who is co-hosting a cocktail party with me tonight at Sidecar, got tired of reading about Park Slope hate. So she sked two Park
Slopers, Amy Sohn and Grace Bonney, to each name five things about the
Slope they love. I already published Amy Sohn’s. Here are Grace Bonney’s.

Grace Bonney, editor of Design*Sponge, and also on the Park Slope 100:

d.jpg 1. Great Restaurants: Applewood, Flatbush Farm, Franny’s, Beer Table and my personal favorite, Little D Eatery
(formerly Little Dishes). With so many great options for great dining,
Park Slope’s restaurant scene helps me deal with the hordes of babies
screaming next to me wherever we go.

2. The Park: Do I use it as much as I should?
Absolutely not. But when it gets warm and the Farmer’s Market revives,
I rediscover a different side of the neighborhood — and those delicious
apple cinnamon donuts.

earring.jpg 3. Shopping: Though the staff at some stores could use a refresher course in how not to make customers feel like an inconvenience, I love not having to leave Park Slope to find gourmet food (D’vine Taste, Blue Apron and Grab) and up and coming clothing/jewelry designers (Bird and Diana Kane).

4. Convenience: After living in different, “hipper”
areas of the borough [like Williamsburg], I really appreciate having
all of my basic amenities within a four-block radius.

5. Architectural History and Character: Every time
I walk home down 3rd Street I remember why we pay a higher rent to live
in an area with so much natural beauty. That row of brownstones and
trees always makes me smile.

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