Like every year there are things to like and things not to like. Especially as you get older, stuff happens. People get sick. People die. There are personal and professional disappointments, as well as terrible world events (war in Iraq, Virginia Tech massacre, Benazir Bhutto’s assasination, the monks in Myanmar, wild fires…)

Life can be scary and sad.

Luckily there are always a few things to remember that make you feel good about things, our community and the world we live in. Ever since I started this blog, I make this list. Here’s 2004, 2005, and 2006.

–Wonderful family and friends

–OSFO’s new piano

–Trip to Opera Boston to hear Amy Burton in Mahagonny

Writers at the Beach in Rehoboth, Maryland

The Brooklyn Blogfest (and the subsequent Brooklyn Blogade)

Weight Watchers meetings at the Montauk Club

–The planning of and the actual  Stoopendous Celebration on the summer solstice

Cracker Barrel 2.0 by Greg Beyer in the New York Times

–Two weeks on Block Island at the Sea Breeze

–Dinners with The Moms

–Teens for Darfur at the Old Stone House

–Sag Harbor

–Louis and Capathia at the Metropolitan Room

–August in Tracy, California

-_Ducky’s 3rd birthday party

–Weekly meditation with Charlotte

Brooklyn Reading Works at the Old Stone House

Institute for Collaborative Education

–The nice doctors and nurses at Mt. Sinai Hospital

–Teen Spirit at the Bowery Poetry Club

Tupelo Press

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, Ratatouille, Once, the Hoax, Across the Universe…

–Running the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving

–More nice doctors and nurses at Mt. Sinai Hospital

–Shopping for Teen Spirit’s ukulele at Rudy’s Music Stop with Groovy Grandpa

–Buying a beautiful vintage 4-string banjo at Jalopy

–Returning the banjo at Jalopy (wrong kind of banjo)

Fun Run on New Year’s Eve in Prospect Park (planned)