Michele is one of the 2007 Park Slope 100 and a wonderful poet and a blogger. Here’s a poem called

CHRISTMAS DREAM by Michele Madigan Somerville

Last night I dreamed a skinny
Sinatra, a red velvet Saint Nick
hat upon his head and tux, crooned
in my direction as he fingered white Baby
Grand keys but maybe he wasn’t really
playing, maybe the piano was playing
itself, clean and sharp because
the percussion persisted well after
my circa Pal Joey Francis had raised
his digits from the keys and was
preparing to mount
the mirroring finish the expanse
the surface of the instrument enclosed
seductively arranging his boyish torso
into an erotic choreography designed
to ignite the dreamer
atop the piano’s pristine veneer,
imbuing each note of his three-quarter time
with angelic muscle, fluid and singular
only he can flex —
It’s that time of year
when the world falls in love —
This serenade as traces of blowsy Frank
the Republican slid off as if he had been made
clean by dint of new light, restored to
gamine bony Frank, young, blue-eyed and
lovely-as-a-baby reindeer
as he dangled a sprig of mistletoe
over my head and took
a step closer to deliver me
a Christmas kiss, more kiss than any
Bobby-soxer could ever want
for it was possessed of all the pink-
white coolness of peppermint
and silken heat to which a sugar plum
holds fast following a long steep
a long summer’s sleep long
as day in a small bowl
on a kitchen table
Where it has bathed
in the intense and generous
luxury the morning
star so promiscuously