A month ago, I sat next Charlie Libin, a cinematographer friend at a dinner party, and he told me about an interesting new film he worked on called, Able Danger, that was filmed in the Ditmas Park neighborhood.

One of the filmmakers got in touch with OTBKB yesterday:

Hey Louise,

I saw your mention of our film “Able Danger” and was wondering if you
wouldnt mind putting a link to our site up.


– that would be great….

Charlie Libin told me that the story is about a character loosely based on Sander Hicks, who owns Vox Pop. The film does not have a distributor. I am happy to see that they’ve really improved their website.

Here’s the blurb from IMDB: Tom Flynn, the idealist owner of a left-leaning radical cafĂ©/bookstore and the quixotic publisher of a hard hitting 911 conspiracy expose, finds himself entangled with a mysterious Eastern European beauty, Kasia, who is on the run from strong hand of a global 911 cover up.

In this contemporary take on film noir. When Tom is implicated in the murder of his friend and employee, he is forced to unravel Kasia’s complex web of lies. As it turns out, Kasia possesses the smoking gun that proves the identities and methods of the real architects of 911, and Tom Flynn is willing to die to expose the truth.