For what it’s worth, New Voices (or MS 443) got an A. That’s good news for parents who are looking for a middle school for their child in District 15.

The school is located on 18th Street near Seventh Avenue. Parents who have been on tours this year LOVE the principal, the cozy feeling of the school, the classroom work and the arts programs.

The school
has the coziness of an elementary school, with tables instead of desks
and classroom libraries filled with picture books as well as novels and
biographies. The narrow hallways can feel a little confining to gangly
8th graders, and in the woodwinds ensemble rehearsal room, trombone and
flute players had to jigsaw around each other to allow ample elbow
room. Still, the classrooms are bright, with tall windows, harbor
views, and ample light. Reading, writing, and social studies are
combined into one "humanities" class, in which students have one
teacher for two or three periods a day. That means a teacher has just
two classes a day–and a total of just 50 or 60 pupils to get to know
instead of the 180 that would be typical at a traditional junior high


  1. okay so i came across this web and i love nv I attended it and I had my best 3 crazy yet very fun school years.

  2. OMG. I’m leaving this school this year. I’m going to be soooooooooooooooo sad. I hope that I’ll always keep in touch with the school and the people. NEW VOICES IS AMAZING. It’s everyhing. I don’t want to leave…: (

  3. OMG! I Graduated from New Voices Middle School Class of ’09! And I can honestly say I love this school. I miss it so much I wish I could have stayed longer, but we have to move on and progress in life. This school gave me hopes & dreams that I would continue to cherish and make sure they come true. The teachers are the best! They help you with everything, they make sure you get the help you need. And the princibal is just like a kid! He is funny and very respectful. He runs his school like a professional I am very glad I was apart of this. Those 3 years of my life was the best! And I wouldn’t trade it for anything! I love NEW VOICES MIDDLE SCHOOL!

  4. I just graduated from this school and I really know I will always miss it
    I have had the greatest 3 years of my life at this school and I have made some everlasting friendships
    I will come back to visit for ever

  5. New Voices has been one of the best things for me in my life!!!!! I’m a 6th grader and I’m about to go into 7th grade (so exited!) Since I came to New Voices I have made so many friends, and all the teachers have been willing to help! If I was ever having trouble with something, the teachers would volenteer to stay after school with me to help me, and because of that I have been able to become a national junior honor student, and have been offered the oppertunity to go to washington dc for academic exellence. I would highly recomend this school for other kids who enjoy a slight competirion in their schoolwork! Although some of the teachers can be strict they all really get the stuff were learning about into your head!!!!!!!!I think that its great that we get a year to try out all the art forms before we choose our major for 7th, and 8th grade!!!! (unlike some schools.) I choose New Voices first, and M.S 51 2nd on my list, and I was very worried i had made the wrong choice, but now i know and am very happy that i had made the right choice, and i would not change it for anything!!!!!

  6. I love this Middle school; this school changed my life (in a good way) :) I’m a 8th grader name Esterlin; many people know me from my school. This school is good because its really small. No fights, gangs,graffiti. This is a good school for your childrens to come. -2009

  7. This school is the best I love it it is the best school ever.when my mom went on the tour she loved the a seventh grader in this school I can get any help I need before school or after school. Anytime I need help with a problem or anything someone is there to help me

  8. Well, as a 7th grader I would like to say that this school has opened my eyes to many new things. I learned that I could play the flute very well and that I seem to enjoy learning about the American Revolution, a topic I thought would bring bordem. I would like to thank our amazing principal Mr.G whom I look at as a great male figure, and inspiration to many. He has pushed me to go all the way even when the thought of giving up crossed my mind. This school has become my 2nd home . The place where my first ” true ” best friends have been made,first crushes have started, and thought that i could be anything I put my mind to . To all the parents out there that are under the stress of picking the ” perfect ” middle school, I suggest you give our crazy school a chance. No, we may not be perfect, but we are everything I dreamed of a wonderful middle school being.

  9. i got to new voices now and im a 8th grader i love it bc the arts of it is so creative and i just performed a annie production in school which was wonderful with the best musical director Adele Basile and the principal Frank Giordano and the assistant principle Laurie Cianciotta
    P.S. New Voices Rocks

  10. This school is really cool. It’s really small,so small I know, Yenesis, Kelly, Taneice, Ilana and Jessica! They are all in my class, class 803, the advanced math class. It’s a very sweet birthday.

  11. I LOVE THIS SCHOOL!!! i jst graduated from that school last year and i miss it. new voices is one of the top best schools to me and im glad it got an A because everything that we do, we work hard and put effort into it!!! besides this school is were it all happend, our firs crushes our first letters, our first friendships… and so much more. but the best part is the teachers.. they will be like your 2nd parents i used 2 say i hate this i hate my teachers i wanna leave, once i left i realized how much they meant to me and how they not only tought you how to play well with others or how to add and subtract or even write a 2 word letter THEY HELPED YOU THROUGH YOUR UPS AND DOWNS they have always been there. theres no better place than NEW VOICES…

  12. this is the best school not saying that other school is bad but our school did deserve an A. I feel like new voices is like a second home and it’s snug environment to be in.!!!!=)

  13. New voices is awesome and as an eighth grader, I feelthat my school has prepared me for my future as well as becoming a great musician thanks to mr. Gallo!

  14. Hi Ilana and Kelly!!!!!!!
    New Voices is a great school, it’s a small school, you feel like a person, not a number. Everyone gets to know eachother at this school, and the teachers actually care about teaching us.

  15. New voices isn’t just a school, its my home. I spend all of my time there anyway. New Voices is known for their awsome tachers and instructors in the school as well as their academics. If your son or daughter is on their way to middle school, you should consider New Voices as one of your top choices because your child will be treated like he/she’s at home. They are treated with respect and care as well as a competative community with the student body, but why not compete. Not for glory,but to push yourself harder to achieve your greatest goals.
    The teachers are like parents.They take care of you. The only difference between a real parent and a teacher is that a real parent cleans your behind,and the teachers clean your mind!

  16. w00t w00t go New Voices…
    (Hi Dad!)
    Go yourself…i looked up ms 443 and this was the first thing on the list =)

  17. I think it’s worth mentioning that M.S. 88, which is on the same block as New Voices, ALSO got an A.
    As a parent of a fifth-grader, I’ve been touring all the middle schools, and I think M.S. 88 is one that parents should really give a second look to. Five or six years ago, it was NOT a good school (it was on the failing schools list back then, and was considered a “rough” environment). Because of that previous reputation, many parents don’t even consider it.
    But the school has undergone a remarkable turnaround over the last five years – the profile on talks about it in detail.
    The biggest factor is that several years ago, this huge school (over 900 kids) was re-organized into three “houses”, each with a different theme (arts, medical, technology), and each is housed on a different floor. The result is that it feels like three small, cozy middle schools of only 300 students each, sharing a building. The students pick a house and stay there (on that one floor) all three years, and each house has its own assistant principal who gets to know the kids very well.
    Yet because all three houses are part of the same school, they have a lot of resources, including the most dazzlingly wide-ranging amount of afterschool activities I’ve seen yet: flag football, soccer, basketball, drama, orchestra, chess, comic book writing, book club, etc. etc.
    There is an honors/gifted/accelerated track in all three houses, and students in that track get to take Regents exams (and 100% of the M.S. 88 students who took the Regents exams passed, according to the InsideSchools profile). The principal told me that some M.S. 88 kids have gotten into the specialized high schools (Stuyvesant, Brooklyn Tech, etc.)
    When I toured the school, it felt very calm, quiet and safe. The classes I saw were all well-behaved and orderly. I looked at essays on the bulletin boards and was very impressed – many of them were truly compelling and beautifully written.
    On the third floor (the “arts” house), I saw students sketching self-portraits that were very impressive. Students in the medical house do internships at local hospitals, while students in the technology house create their own websites, learn digital photography, and make their own stop-motion animated movies.
    So, as a prospective middle school parent, I personally think that M.S. 88 is a school that deserves more attention and consideration from local parents.

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