The red-haired beauty with the fairest skin, a contagious laugh, and the brightest eyes imaginable is turning three. Hard to believe she’s three already.

But oy is she three. She’s so full of spunk and fun; a little bossy sometimes and very, very smart; she’s oh so definite about what she wants to do and what she does and doesn’t want you to do.

She and OSFO are thick as thieves. Sisterly cousins, they play and play and play. There’s no end to OSFO’s love for Ducky and visa versa. OSFO has set aside the entire day for birthday prep; filling Ducky’s pinata, getting Ducky’s balloons at Little Things, helping at Ducky’s party.

And let’s not forget Diaper Diva, who nailed the Clam Bar for its rude child-unfriendly signage and even ruder staff. She has been a mother for three years now. That’s something to celebrate, too.

Three years and the transformation is complete. Diaper Diava morphed from a non-parent living in the Slope (who was slightly annoyed by the nabe’s child centeredness) to a full-fledged leaves-her-stroller-in-the-middle-of-the-sidewalk-Park Slope mama.

At least she doesn’t have a Bugaboo.

But motherhood becomes her big time and she and her red-haired beauty are quite a team at the playground, on Seventh Avenue, at Tempo Presto, at the temple pre-school, on Third Street.

And wherever they go, people comment on Ducky’s red hair. “Look at the hair on her.” “I’d love to have hair the color of that little girl’s. ” Such gorgeous hair…”

Fiercely protective, loving, nurturing, and serious about her mothering, Diaper Diva travels with Dora the Explorer Band Aid’s, a pocketbook full of First Aid supplies, and sugar free lollipops for potty training incentives (Ducky is fully trained now). And you don’t even want to know what’s in Diaper Diva’s well-stocked red Skip Hop diaper bag.

Happy Birthday to Ducky.

And Happy Birthday to another niece of mine: the Underwater Ballerina, who is off exploring the blue Carribean sea. She turns 23 today (see post Underwater Ballerina Turns 23 below). Love to her wonderful sisters, too.