An OTBKB reader wrote in today about the Opera Guy of Park Slope. I’ve heard about him and think I saw him once on Eighth Avenue. There used to be (maybe still is) an Opera Guy who stood on the sidewalk near Carnegie Hall and sang all day. And I’m not talking about Moon Dog, who dressed as a Viking and stood on the corner of 6th Avenue and 53rd Street — a truly great New York street fixture for years. Apparently, he was an experimental music composer.

Have you ever heard some strange man singing Opera while roaming the streets of Park Slope at night? I live on 8th Ave & 3rd St. I hear him walk by at night every few weeks. He BELTS out and the best part is…his voice BLOWS. He just walked by and was a singing like crazy.

A few months back, I had to go to work early and I actually walked to the F train behind him him. He was singing all the way there and then settled down when he got on the platform. I couldn’t help but follow him into the subway car to see what kind of crazy stuff he would do. It was in the winter and he had on two jackets and a sweater. He took all of them off before sitting down and while he was doing so, the train took off. He fell back a few steps and belted out a few notes in fear. It was AWESOME.

Please tell me that other people have seen this guy. He is a walking Saturday Night Live skit!

3 thoughts on “PARK SLOPE OPERA GUY”

  1. Thank you for posting this! He just walked by my apartment trilling as he does and it pains me. Glad to know I’m not alone.

  2. I’ve seen him! He once sang all through the D’ags that closed. Terrible sounding. Dogs should cover their ears. I wish him nothing but the best, though, because he seems like a down-on-his-luck soul.

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