Remember that cool record store that used to be in the Times Square subway station blaring latin music during rush hour (and other times, too)? Well, after eight years, it’s coming back to the station. Just the other day I was reminiscing about that record store. I for one am glad it’s coming back. Here’s the story from the New York Times.

A lot of things have changed since 1999, when a legendary store that sold Latin music in the Times Square subway station shut down to make way for a major station renovation, but few things have changed as drastically as the music business.

So it is with a noteworthy combination of bravado, recklessness, nostalgia and faith in the future that the store, once a mecca of Latin music that drew aficionados from around the world, plans to reopen this spring after an absence of eight years.

The signs announcing the store’s revival appeared this month on a shuttered storefront inside the station, and to old customers who had never forgotten, it was like hearing a favorite song from long ago: “The return of Record Mart!” the signs trumpeted. “(That store in the subway.)”