A month back or so I wrote a piece about a Danish Fullbright scholar and student at the School of Journalism at Columbia University, who interviewed me and No Words. She mentioned that Aaron Barlow, owner of Shakespeare’s Sister, a bookstore in Carroll Gardens, was writing a book about blogging. Here’s a comment from the man himself. Thanks for the clarification.

The book about blogging that the Danish Fulbright refers to is
called "The Rise of the Blogosphere: American Backgrounds." It will
appear in March or April from Praeger (and can already be ordered on
Amazon, but not on Powells, for some reason). What it is, really, is a
history of American journalism with an eye towards those trends that
led to the blogs. A second book of mine on blogging, "America Blogs,"
should appear this coming December. My last book, "The DVD Revolution:
Movies, Culture, and Technology," is a history of home viewing,
particularly in the last decade.

At Shakespeare’s Sister, we believe in the store as part of the
community–which is why our back room (the Artback) is available to
anyone for sitting, reading, and conversation, and for free. A number
of books have been written back there, for it is a quiet space,

However, on Friday nights, we do show a movie–and soon, on Sunday
afternoons, we will start a series of readings and discussions.
Probably, readings will occur every hour from two through four (three
poets, essayists, dramatists, or writers of fiction each week) and will
last from twenty minutes to half an hour. The remaining time will be
for informal discussion. We may also be starting a Saturday film
series… and who knows what else.