2cbw0656Everyone wants to be in Manhattan this week.   

Yesterday, my husband’s Aunt came into the city for less than 5 hours before catching a flight home to California. Why? To see The Gates. This weekend, a cousin and her new husband from Baltimore are zipping into town for a bit of fun and The Gates. Later this week, my mother-in-law flies in to see, you got it, The Gates.

And we’re pleased as punch to be their guides; it gives us a  chance to spend more time in Central Park than we have in years and to discover parts of the park we barely knew. Exploring The Gates with tourists makes us feel like tourists too. We even stopped at the Metropolitan Museum for lunch and a quick look/see at the Egyptian wing and the Temple of Dendur.

Thanks to Christo and Jeanne Claude, we’re having such a festive time in the middle of winter.  They’ve given us one of the best reasons we’ve had in years to subway out of Brooklyn to check out the borough next door.

Yours from Brooklyn,