Helpful Info for Nervous Parents

This just in from Inside Schools:

The first high school acceptances are set to go out February 18th. Students who are accepted to one of the seven specialized high schools (such as Stuyvesant, Brooklyn Tech or LaGuardia) will receive notice on Friday, February 18. If they were also accepted to another high school, they will find out at the same time. Their decision must be handed in to the school guidance counselor by March 1.

All other students will receive their high school acceptance notification between March 22-24, according to the Department of Education (DOE). Additional school fairs for those students who were not "matched" to a high school, will be held on April 2 with applications due by April 5. At the end of the 2003-04 school year, thousands of 8th grade students still didn’t know which high school they would attend the following school year. The Department of Education has pledged that all students will be placed, and appeals finalized by the end of May this year.