Not everyone has time to create a weekly television show, or even a bi-weekly or monthly series for Brooklyn’s community access television network.
But BRIC, Brooklyn’s community access television organization, wants you to know that this shouldn’t stop you from submitting your content to air on Brooklyn’s community access television network. If you have a 28-minute or 58-minute piece that you think the borough of Brooklyn will want to watch, give them a call and request an appointment to air what we call a “Special.”
Special time slots don’t occur on a regular basis, so you don’t have to commit to submitting content on a rigorous schedule. Create your program in an amount of time that best fits your schedule, give them a call to arrange a Special time slot, and watch your program on the BCAT TV Network. Pretty simple.
According to BRIC, many of their regular users submit specials that can air during one of the station’s programming quarters. In fact, you can submit as many as 4 programs within a 13 week period. For more information, visit their website or call 718-683-5605 to arrange an appointment with their Programming Department so you can get your Special time slot.