These Brookyn Blogade Roadshows are really FUN. On Sunday, approximately 25 bloggers, blog readers, and those interested in starting blogs met at the Le Toukouleur, a French-African Restaurant, at 1116 Bedford Avenue, on the corner of Quincy Street in North Bed-Stuy (Pix by Flatbush Gardener)
The purpose of these events is to spread the blogging gospel to under-blogged neighborhoods in Brooklyn. It’s a reach out and a shout out, a big, bold Brooklyn welcome to all those interested in starting blogs. A great networking opportunity and a fun way to meet other bloggers, it’s also a great way explore a new neighborhood. Upcoming blogades will be in Bed Stuy, Carroll Gardens, and East New York.
Petra of Bed-Stuy Blog and Eleanor Traubman of Creative Times organized the shindig. Petra said that she purposely selected the North, the less "groovy" part of Bed Stuy for the event. She lives on the north side and wanted to bring everyone’s attention to her neck of the neighborhood.
Grasping for a metaphor she described her part of the neighborhood as "the Messina to the South side’s Loggins. It’s the Oates to the South side’s Hall. It’s the Garfunkel to the South Side’s Simon."
You get the idea.
Bloggers and others gathered outside of the restaurant and there were plenty of yelps and welcoming noises as bloggers identified themselves.
The arrival of Bushwick BK caused quite a stir as did the arrival of Saucy Tart.
"I thought you were a troll," Petra shouted out. "I didn’t think you were real when you RSVPed."
Interestingly, many who came were blog readers and not bloggers. That was cool. There were also two representatives from Buy Bed-Stuy in attendance, who spoke. Overall, there were a lot of new faces and new blogs at the get-together.
Petra and Eleanor devised a fun way for people to get to know one another. We were told to converse with those sitting nearby and come up with some advice for new bloggers. We then got to present our ideas to the larger group. The gist of what people had to say:
1. Keep it personal
2. Keep it real.
3. Be passionate about what you’re writing about.
4. Check your facts.
5. Update frequently.
6. Find someone to sub for you in case you can’t post for a few days.
The highlight of any blogade is the shout-out, a chance for everyone to introduce themselves. Hopefully Petra will be posting the names of all the participants…
Petra told a funny story about her love of Time Out New York when she lived in Manhattan. "I would literally curl up with my magazine and circle the events I wanted to attend." Once she moved to Brooklyn, she discovered that Time Out barely mentions Brooklyn. Her blog, she said, is attempt to create a Time Out for her part of Brooklyn.
Petra’s enthusiasm nd postitive energy made everyone feel welcome at this event. The next Brooklyn Blogade Roadshow will be on Sunday October 21. Time and location to be determined. The host will be Luna Park Gazette.