P.O. Box 7209
Iris in the radiation department at
New York Methodist Hospital because you moved mountains to get my friend in and out of there on time every day for 8 weeks. Some days the wait was longer but you were warm and friendly and that goes a long way when you’re dealing with cancer.
James Hannaham because your first novel, God Says No, from McSweeney's Books is a funny must read. You teach at Pratt and used to work at the Park Slope Writers Space.
Lyn Hill because it’s not easy being Vice President for Communication and External Affairs at
New York Methodist Hospital but you do it with grace and energy.
Adrian Kinloch and
Brit in Brooklyn because as a transplanted Londoner your big, bold photos bring much to the Brooklyn blog landscape. Photo by Adrian Kinloch at left.
Scott Lindenbaum and
Andy Hunter because you decided to publish
Electric Literature an ambitious new lit mag. In your own words: “We're tired of hearing that literary fiction is doomed. Everywhere we look, people are reading—whether it be paper books, eBooks, blogs, tweets, or text messages. So, before we write the epitaph for the literary age, we thought, let’s try it this way first: select stories with a strong voice that capture our readers and lead them somewhere exciting, unexpected, and meaningful.” YES.
Irene LoRe because as owner of
Aunt Suzie's, you were one of the pioneers of the new Fifth Avenue, who managed to retain some of the flavor of the old. And now you run the Fifth Avenue BID giving your time, intelligence, energy, and experience to the Park Slope community.
Lexy Lovell and
Michael Uys because you infuse your passion and enthusiasm for life into compelling and thought-provoking documentary films. Riding The Rails and very recently,
The Good Soldier, have provided rare glimpses into American culture and consciousness mixed with an artistry that makes the documentary format very accessible. Talent and passion aside, you are great friends and neighbors and you help define and inspire the tone of the neighborhood.
Marissa Palma-Muller: From OTBKB: “It was just a simple note on a yellow piece of paper on the door of Palma Pharmacy, on the corner of Garfield Place and Seventh Avenue. But that's how Park Slope learned of the loss of a trusted member of the community. Pharmacist Marisa Palma-Muller, age 48, died of a heart attack on Wednesday. Since then word has been trickling into my in-box with remembrances. One OTBKB reader wrote in to say: "She was the last of a disappearing breed: the neighborhood pharmacist who knew all her customers, had a nice word for everyone, tried to help customers baffled by insurance regulations…"
Martin of Café Regular because regulars at Regular seem to think you're one very cool, sarcastic and interest
ing barista. As one person said, “he’s fun to see first thing in the morning.”
Melanie at the Purity Restaurant for introducing coloring books to this diner and putting up the most awesome Halloween decorations in the Slope. You decorate a little bit every day that you’re working and by Halloween it's just magic – not over the top but magic. Like there's a treat in every booth. You do all the holidays but we know you like Halloween the best and it shows. It shows.
Frank McCourt because you were a great writer and a better teacher and you gave life and dignity to a lot of peoples' least favorite Irish city, Limerick. (Frank did nothing, though, to stop the preponderance of "there once was a sailor from Nantucket" giggles). You gave a lot of life to that other Irish city, New York. Your three books —
Angela's Ashes, 'Tis and
Teacher Man — was a triptych that didn't just talk to us, it talked with us. Frank McCourt: you were a man who inspired kids one on one, enthralled pub patrons circled around him, and reached readers in 30 languages. (in memoriam by Scott Turner).
Momasphere because you create innovative programs and events that serve to empower, enrich and enlighten moms, while giving back to the community and that's very cool.
Mary Morris because you’re the grand dame of literary Park Slope and the acclaimed author of Revenge, Vanishing Animals, The Bus of Dreams, and The Lifeguard Stories
Norma & Gunni because you are AMAZING dog walkers and where would the dog owners and dogs of Brooklyn be without the two of you. Arf.
Old First Dutch Reformed Church because when the ceiling at Congregation Beth Elohim fell in just days before Yom Kippur, you welcomed that congreation into your church for their high holy day. "What joy to celebrate the repentance of our sins from A to Z. That's a gift that Jews and Christians in unity can give our society, the good news of repentance, and just why that is good news," wrote Pastor Daniel Meeter on his blog Old First.
Otto (and Annette Englander) because for that last nineteen years form meets function in your shop ith its elegant and stylish selection of fine lingerie, swimwear, clothing, accessories and Otto exclusives.
“Park Slope Woman” because you broke up with your live-in boyfriend of six years and promptly (and luckily) found a place in Park Slope. When you got here you were “a total wreck of a human being who could barely get out of bed let alone make the trek to law school on the Upper West Side,” a friend writes. “But you found sanctuary in this amazing community and found yourself again. No only are you healing, but you’re learning WHO YOU ARE. If it takes a village to raise a child, it may also take a village to bring that child back to herself. Park Slope is such a special place and it's the people who make it great."
Faye Penn and the team at
Brokelyn for the right blog at the right time and for teaching us to live big on small change.
Tom Potter because you are co-founder and former CEO of
The Brooklyn Brewery—one of the most successful artisan breweries in the United States and the largest beverage alcohol company producing in New York City. Nice work.
Rebecca Pronsky because in 2005 you founded the Brooklyn Songwriters Exchange, a monthly series with a mission to present great musical talent and foster community among local songwriters.
The Prospect Park Alliance because since 1987, the year you began to restore the Park after years of budget cuts and steady neglect of both its natural areas and usage, you have supplemented the Park’s basic operating budget with private funds and have initiated many capital projects and community programs. You’ve made the public understand why parks are so important in New York City, while gaining support from donors and volunteers for the restoration projects that have brought Prospect Park back to its glory (and beyond). Yay team!
Prospect Park West because this satiric novel by Amy Sohn really got the neighborhood reading and talking about itself.
Red White and Bubbly because you folks seem to know what pairs well with hot dogs, grilled cheese and leftover ziti.
Reverend Billy and the Life After Shopping Gospel Choir because you believe that Consumerism is overwhelming our lives. Because you believe that our neighborhoods and "commons" places like stoops and parks and streets and libraries, are disappearing into the corporatized world of big boxes and chain stores. Because you are singing and preaching for local economies and real – not mediated through products – experience. Sing on. Amen.
Rooftop Films because you make it possible to view movies al fresco. Your o
riginal programming and stunning outdoor venues makes Rooftop Films one of the best-attended film festivals in New York.
Powerhouse Books because you’re a world-renowned art book publisher and your "arena," a cool DUMBO gallery, boutique, book store, performance and events space welcomed the Brooklyn Blogfest and hundreds of others events last year.
Debi Ryan because you revitalized
Vox Pop Coffee Shop with energy, spirit and loads of charisma. As of this writing, VP is closed again. But not for long if you have anything to say about it. Lead on.
Joe Rydell because you're the friendliest man on Seventh Avenue, who knows everyone and everyone likes to talk to (even if they don't know your name). You're a devoted dad, a psychotherapist in private practice,
founder of the Berkeley Carroll documentary
film series and part-time realtor. You and your partner, Berkeley Carroll teacher David Wood, exemplify what makes Park Slope extraordinary. You worked to get more trees planted on 7th Avenue, as part of the Park Slope Civic Council. Look for the trees this Spring!
Dr. Mehryar Sadeghi because, according to one OTBKB reader, you’re a Park Slope ophthalmologist with a great bedside manner. You escaped Iran after the revolution, landed in Canada followed by medical school at Harvard and Washington Universities and now we’re happy to have you looking in our eyes.
Jeff Sandgrund because you have worked tirelessly for parks and green space in New York City and most especially in Brooklyn where you served for several years as a community liaison for the Parks Department, then managed Fort Greene Park and now you're the operations manager for the new
Brooklyn Bridge Park Development Corporation. You are a born and bred Park Sloper who still lives here and still loves the 'hood.
Seven AM Morning Disc because most weekday mornings (and Sundays at 8:30 AM) a good number of you gather at the 9th Street ball fields for a rousing pickup game of Ultimate Frisbee. You've been doing this for a few years now and routinely get between 10-20 people out there each time. Wow. The game is spirited, competitive yet open to all skill levels. What an incredibly invigorating way to start the workday. Once the ground freezes over (around Dec 1), you migrate over to the turf fields at the Parade Grounds, but the fun continues all year long. Like all responsible organizations, you even have a google group (morning disc at google groups).
Phyllis Salome because she lived in Brooklyn all her life, raised two daughters, Joan and Alice, on 4th Street in Park Slope and had four grandchildren. A graduate of the Cooper Union, she enjoyed painting and was very active at the
PS Senior Citizens Center where she was board president for 4 years. The family has requested that donations be made to the Park Slope Senior Center in her name, 463-A 7th street, Brooklyn, NY 11215.
Showpaper because you’re a big fold out listings newspaper of all ages music shows in the New York area, including Park Slope, that’s a must-read for local music fans. Well-designed, it always includes a fabulous illustration on the cover and is delivered around town by an enthusiastic gang of all ages volunteers.
Melissa Silverstein because you are marketing consultant, writer and blogger, who specializes in women’s issues, with an emphasis on women and Hollywood. Your blog
Women & Hollywood has become a respected site for issues related to feminism and pop culture. In 2008 it was named by More Magazine as one of the “blogs to watch,” and in 2009 it was named “Best Hollywood blog” by totalfilm.com.
Daniel Smith because you’re a local jazz, classical, and cross-over bassoonist who has been called "the Rampal of the Bassoon."
Peter Solomita and
Little Buddy Biscuit Company because, in the words of Eleanor Traubman at Creative Times, “He’s a baker, an entrepreneur, a disc jockey, a dad, a husband, and a teacher. He defies the stereotype I have of professional chefs as being ill-tempered. (Remember Nicolas Cage in Moonstruck?) Pete is passionate about everything he does, but that passion comes seasoned with lots of compassion: he keeps one eye on his business and another eye on the big picture of what’s happening in the rest of the world and how his work fits into that.”
Michael Sorgatz because your site "
Art in Brooklyn" promotes the work of local artists, and that’s a positive and generous thing to do (especially in these times). You are also a talented artist in your own right and a really great guy.
Martha Southgate because you are the author of three novels, most recently Third Girl from the Left, which won Best Novel of the Year award from the Black Caucus of the American Library Association. You also organized a great reading at Brooklyn Reading Works called Young Gifted and Black (Men) in September presenting the wonderful James Hanaham, James Lavalle and Clifford Thompson
Spuyten Duyvil Books because you publish amazing books: fiction, non-fiction and poetry out of a Park Slope apartment.
Sufjan Stevens because you recognized the beauty of the BQE and it inspired you to make a film and write symphony about it.
Cathryn Swan because you’re fighting the good fight with your blog
Washington Square Park, the chronicles of a beloved park and a city government overcome by its own power. In your own words: "
Washington Square Park blog began after I attended an exhibit on Jane Jacobs and her New York City activism presented by the Municipal Art Society in January. An eye-catching brochure was handed out entitled “The City is You.” The point of it was to lay out the steps of advocating for issues and causes in your neighborhood, believing that doing so is what keeps New York City vital: “Observe. Think. Assess. Learn. Assemble. Participate. Advocate.”"
And you've been doing that ever since.
Joyce Szuflita and NYC School Help because you are an amazing resource when it comes to helping parents with public school admissions process—and that is one awesome good deed. As one satisfied customer wrote: "Joyce understanding of all school issues, is armed with all the current facts, and understands the inner workings of the Dept. of Ed. Her knowledge of the middle and high school choice process in YC likely saved us two months of research time. Joyce took a complex and often confusing process, and helped us make decisions that were right for us. We feel lucky to have found her!"
Third Street News Stand and Deli because the owner and the guys in there are great and one OTBKB reader said, “It’s a second home for my kids."
Clifford Thompson because you wrote a terrific novel, Signifying Nothing, and published it yourself. Your advice to other sulf-publishers: “Believe in what you’re doing, because not everyone you tell about your self-published book will shower you with congratulations. You WILL sometimes get the pity-laced smile that makes you want to say, “Maybe you misheard me. I don’t have bone cancer, I’m publishing my BOOK.” But if you believe in what you’ve written, then you must also believe it’s worth putting out there, however you can do it.”
Scott Turner because you are one very funny man. But that's not all. You're a dedicated Develop Don't Destroy activist, who runs the pub quiz every Thursday at
Rocky Sullivan's. You're a graphic designer and a writer, who pens OTBKB's weekly Greetings From Scott Turner column, which is way funny and smart AND you have a one-man-band called Rebelmart. We approve.
Urban Alchemist Design Collective because you’re part store, part gallery and part artisan salon and you’ve got an eclectic mix of emerging designers as well as carefully selected vintage and modern home goods, accessories and furniture. You’re really a hive of creative energy and beauty.
Emily Vaughn because you work hard behind the scenes as a member of
Buy in Brooklyn and you were this year's coordinator of the Snowflake Celebration, the night when local merchants throw open their doors to stay lope late and create a holiday atmosphere enabling the people of Park Slope to do their holiday shopping.
Bob Vitalo because as head of the
Berkeley Carroll School one OTBKB reader said you’re known for your “calming and strengthening skills.”

Jack Walsh, executive producer of Celebrate Brooklyn because this Brooklyn institution offers something for every Brooklyn resident – young, old, parents, the childless, drama freaks, world music geeks, opera fans, dance nerds, indie hipsters – and it is very family-friendly, too. Heck, there’s even a parking spot for bikes, (relatively) cheap beer, and great Brooklyn food. You are one Brooklyn treasure, Jack.
Steve Wiener,
Joe Uzzo and the crew at
The Video Forum because you are something akin to neighborhood treasures. When you are not good-naturedly recommending films at the store, you are performing in their band,
Mute City. Your congenial natures and ease of conversation is surpassed only by your ability to make the boomers of the neighborhood forget about their lives for a moment to embark on a trip to Generation Y. Great guys.
Eliot Wagner because you’re a walking, talking DJ, who loves to turn others on to the music you love with your carefully curated monthly CDs that are a great plug for the musicians and a treasured treat for your community of friends and neighbors. And now you've got your own blog, Now I've Heard Everything. You’re a great fan out there night after night listening to music in the clubs of Brooklyn and the Lower East Side. You're also good at teaching Boomers how to use the newfangled stuff that’s replaced LPs and CDs. And lets not forget OTBKB Music, one heck of a great music column. Thanks.
Willie's Dawgs because you serve plump, juicy and delicious hot dogs grilled any way you like, and give some of the profits to dog shelters in and around Brooklyn and to the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation.