All posts by admin

Bed Bugs at the Pavilion Movie Theater?

My sister, who is just back from Welfleet, heard from a reliable source today that there may be bed bugs at the Pavilion. With my Google finger I see that there’s been much reporting on this since I went away in July.

Well, it’s news to me even if it’s been reported on Gothamist and Brownstoner. I found this today on the Bed Bug Registry. It was posted on August 21, 2010.

“I tried to escape the heat two times this week. I went to the Pavilion Movie Theater. On both occasions, hours later, I had bed bug bites on my legs. I think that theater must be infested!”

Tom Martinez, Witness: Newkirk Station

Construction work at the Newkirk station on the B & Q lines.  I was captivated by all the lines, including the thousands of feint lines stemming from the process of smoothing over the concrete with a broom.  I wondered  though what the construction worker would think when he saw my camera but went ahead anyway (of course).  As the train pulled up he shouted over the noise something about me emailing him the photo!

The Sunday List: August 22

I scour the city’s cultural listings to find interesting movies, music, theater and art for the readers of OTBKB to do and see. This weekend’s treats include Battle Week a variety of interesting events including a 10-mile race on Sunday, commemorating the first battle of the Revolutionary War, Emotional Sloppy Loose Limbed Cinema at BAM , a film series curated by Benny and Josh Safdie at BAM and Non-native NY, a group show of art by artists from outside the US and more so keep reading…

Continue reading The Sunday List: August 22

Dreamy Pop with Textured Guitar and Food Vendors Outdoors

Tonight on the Gowanus:  an  evening of sleepy sonic somethings, and delicious finger-licking treats. It happens at 383 President Street across the street from the former BKLYN Yard (Gowanus)
. Doors open at 6PM. The event costs $18 at the door.

What to expect? Dreamy pop with textured guitar effects and sweet vocals, the two musicians of Asobi Seksu easily hypnotize.

Golden Triangle open with their “loud and spooky, reverb-drenched distorto girl group pop, mixing male/female vocals with gnarly surf guitar jangle,” says someone named Ken.

Greenpoint Food Market vendors will be there, selling their home-made specialties. Read on for more details about the delicious sounding food…

Continue reading Dreamy Pop with Textured Guitar and Food Vendors Outdoors

Rededication of JFK statue at Grand Army Plaza

On Tuesday, August 24th at 11am the bust of JFK at Grand Army Plaza will be rededicated and the public is invited to join local pols at the event.

Artist Neil Estern’s original bust of President John F. Kennedy was unveiled at Grand Army Plaza on May 31, 1965. It remained in place until 2002 when the Department of Parks & Recreation and the Prospect Park Alliance began a major restoration of the Plaza. The installation of a new, granite pedestal for the monument offered Mr. Estern an opportunity to resculpt his bust of the 35th President.  The new, larger and more detailed sculpture was recast in bronze at the Beacon Fine Art Foundry in Beacon, NY…

Continue reading Rededication of JFK statue at Grand Army Plaza

Tom Martinez, Witness:Great Egret in Jamaica Bay

I was out at Jamaica Bay and saw this beautiful Great Egret in flight.  I mainly shoot birds because I love nature (that didn’t sound right) and it’s good practice as they’re challenging to capture.  But I don’t consider myself a “birder” and hence I’m not all that skilled at identifying what I see.  Had to look this one up to identify it.  Learned that one of the identifying features is the way they fly with their necks in a “S” curve.

The Weekend List: August 21-22

I scour the city’s cultural listings to find interesting movies, music, theater and art for the readers of OTBKB to do and see. This weekend’s treats include Battle Week a variety of interesting events including a 10-mile race on Sunday, commemorating the first battle of the Revolutionary War, Emotional Sloppy Loose Limbed Cinema at BAM , a film series curated by Benny and Josh Safdie at BAM and Non-native NY, a group show of art by artists from outside the US and more so keep reading…

Continue reading The Weekend List: August 21-22

Get Your Revolutionary War On With Brooklyn Battle Week

I’m rarely in Brooklyn during Battle Week, the annual commemoration of the Battle of Brooklyn. So I’m excited that I might get a chance to see the Revolutionary War reenactors do their stuff.

The Old Stone House, site of the first battle of the Revolutionary War, is the epicenter of all the Battle Week activities which begin on Saturday, August 21, 11 am – 3:30 pm
 with a Battle of Brooklyn Van Tour with NYC Urban
Park Rangers. Reservations necessary as the seating is limited.

Meet at the Old Stone House, 336 Third Street @ the center of
Washington Park/JJ Byrne Playground
Reservations Necessary: 718-768-3195/ For more Battle Week activities (and there are plenty) keep reading…

Continue reading Get Your Revolutionary War On With Brooklyn Battle Week

Juliette Lewis to Play Music Hall of Williamsburg

Abe Gurko, who writes the blog I Mean..What??!?! wrote to say that Juliette Lewis will be performing in Brooklyn. “It is not often that I go to Brooklyn. Yes, I know how cool it is…and perhaps how cool I am not. Did I say that?”

Juliette Lewis has been on a worldwide tour for her new album Terra Incognita and she is making a a brief stop in Brooklyn at the  Music Hall of Williamsburg. For more details and a link to an interview with the effervescent Lewis (and Gurko)…

Continue reading Juliette Lewis to Play Music Hall of Williamsburg

OTBKB Music: Video of James Maddock’s Never Ending

Wednesday night’s James Maddock show at The Rockwood Music Hall Stage 2 belongs in the “you should have been there” category.  It was it recorded for a live album (due around mid October), it was a sell out, it had the air of a party, and the band just nailed everything.  If you weren’t there, a video taken during the show of James and the band singing Never Ending is waiting for you here at Now I’ve Heard Everything.

–Eliot Wagner

OTBKB Music: James Maddock Records a Live Album Tonight

Tonight, James Maddock will be recording a live album at The Rockwood Music Hall Stage 2, and I think that this will be the first live album recorded in that new room.  James has been playing a bunch of new songs lately and his band, as always, has been tight.  So this is your chance to not only see a great show but to be part of history as well.  Details for this show are here at Now I’ve Heard Everything.

–Eliot Wagner

OTBKB Music: Second Dan Plays Tonight, Photos of The Baseball Project and A Video from Eli Paperboy Reed

I originally discovered Second Dan through a bit of serendipity.   I was at a party a few months ago and after a while, the guy I was talking to told me that he not only was a photographer and a blogger, but he played in a band as well.  As you have no doubt figured out by now, that band was Second Dan.  They play tonight at Rockwood Stage 2 and you can find the details about the show here at Now I’ve Heard Everything.

The Baseball Project played a spirited nearly two hour long show at Maxwell’s in Hoboken Thursday night.  You’ll find a dozen photos from that show here at Now I’ve Heard Everything.

If you didn’t make it over to Le Poisson Rouge last Wednesday to see Eli Paperboy Reed you can see Eli and the band in action in this music video of their song Name Calling.

–Eliot Wagner

OTBKB Music: Photos of Eli Paperboy Reed and A Freebie from The Baseball Project

Wednesday’s Eli Paperboy Reed and The True Loves show at Le Poisson Rouge was another top notch soul dance party.  Unlike the show I saw at The Bell House earlier this year, this time I had my camera with me and was able to take a bunch photos to share with you.  You can see them here at Now I’ve Heard Everything.

Back in March, The Baseball Project promised to issue a monthly topical song about the 2010 baseball season.  August’s contribution, (Do The) Triple Crown,  is now out.  You can listen to and download your very own absolutely 100% legal copy of that song here at Now I’ve Heard Everything.

–Eliot Wagner

Breakfast at La Bagel

Now I’ve Heard Everything and I were set to have breakfast at 9 this morning at Grand Canyon but when we got there the gates were closed.

Closed? What no breakfast at the only local diner we’ve got?

So NIHE and I schlepped up to Purity and guess what: it was closed, too. A sign on the door said that there was no air conditioning but there was also a notice from the Health Department, which gave it an unsatisfactory grade. They are temporarily closed to put their house in order, no doubt.

According to McBrooklyn, “The Purity Diner on 7th Ave. in Park Slope was inspected July 27, when it received 22 violation points. It hasn’t received an official grade, but if it performs the same on its re-do, it will get a B.”

So where did we go?

Continue reading Breakfast at La Bagel

Changes in the Neighborhood

Park Stationer’s on Flatbush near Seventh Avenue has gone out of business. A handwritten sign said that the rise in operational costs caused the closure after 25 years in the neighborhood.

The one-story buildings that housed Zuzu’s Petals, a Korean Market and Olive Vine on Seventh Avenue between Berkeley and Union before a fire that forced Zuzu’s and Olive Vine to move have all been demolished to make way for…what?

A Toys-R-Us has gone into the large space on Flatbush Avenue near 8th Avenue that was Blockbuster Video.

A new deli is going in on Seventh Avenue between Union and President Streets. It was a Korean Market briefly and before that…I forget.

The Rite Aid on Seventh Avenue and Fifth Street seems to be undergoing some sort of renovation…

OTBKB Music: More Soul with Eli Paperboy Reed

Did that spectacular Sharon Jones and The Dap Kings show at Celebrate Brooklyn last Saturday leave you in the mood for a little more soul?  Then check out Eli Paperboy Reed and The True Loves tonight at Le Poisson Rouge.  Eli, originally from the Boston area and now living in Brooklyn, is an engaging live performer.  I’ve seen him have the entire audience up and dancing.  Full details about this show can be found here at Now I’ve Heard Everything.

In addition, you’ll find Steve Wynn getting ready for Northern Agression, information about an interview of former WNEW-FM DJ Rosko by Richard Neer (also a former WNEW-FM DJ) and information on free tickets for some upcoming musical performances on CBS’s The Early Show here at Now I’ve Heard Everything.

–Eliot Wagner