All posts by admin

OTBKB Music: Israel Nash Gripka Plays Neil Young

Last night’s Israel Nash Gripka show at The Rockwood Music Hall was a shot of pure rock ‘n’ roll adrenalin from the first song to the last note.  Israel’s band frequently featured three guitars, with one of the guitars swapped out for a Mandobird the rest of the time.  Although Israel plays his own material, he and the band ended the show with Neil Young’s Revolution Blues.  See a clip of Israel and the band playing it at a show earlier this year at Now I’ve Heard Everything by clicking here.

–Eliot Wagner

OTBKB Music: August Calendar and Hayes Carll Video

It’s August and time for the new monthly music calendar.  Either there are a lot of musicians taking the month of August off, or there will be more shows posted in the coming days and weeks.  Still there’s a nice variety of things going on, just not at the frenetic pace of July.  Click here to see the calendar posted on Now I’ve Heard Everything.

Hayes Carll and his band played a fun set this past Saturday at Stuyvesant Town Oval which included this song.  It’s the title track from his recent album, and its narrator is a US soldier in Afghanistan.  KMAG YOYO is military speak for kiss my ass guys, you’re on your own.  Just click here to see it.

–Eliot Wagner

OTBKB Music: Another Club Is About to Bite The Dust

Banjo Jim’s is a bar located at Avenue C and 9th Street in the East Village which presents live music seven days a week.  As of Thursday night (July 28th) on several places on the Banjo Jim’s website, you can read the following: Banjo Jim’s is closing!  The last day of concerts is Tuesday, Aug. 2nd.  This affects Brooklyn, as many Brooklyn-based musicians play there.  Click here to read the details on what happened, which are posted at Now I’ve Heard Everything.

–Eliot Wagner

Sylvia Harris, RIP

Sylvia Harris, a resident of Prospect Heights and a friend to many in Park Slope, died suddenly last week. She leaves behind a devoted husband and daughter. She was the founder and director of Citizen RD (formerly Sylvia Harris LLC), a communications and design firm that creates design and information programs with direct input from the general public.

In her work she created “strategic plans for user-friendly publications, signage, and media” displayed in public venues, universities, colleges and some of the country’s largest institutions or distributed by public services. It was her aim to make design that was “simple, seamless, and accessible.”

At the website there is a fascinating and inspiring video about Sylvia and her work. There are also tributes from friends and colleagues.

Park Slope and those who knew Sylvia have lost someone truly special and inspiring. She was a design visionary and a warm, lovely presence who will be missed by many. As one friend wrote:

The news of Sylvia’s death is devastating. She was one of the most vibrant people I’ve ever met. My condolences to family and friends whose loss of her will reverberate for as long as you live. I love this picture of her—it brings to mind her laugh, which was easy, hearty, and infectious.

There will be a memorial for Sylvia in the fall. You can read more about Sylvia at the Richmond Times Dispatch.

OTBKB Music: Amy Speace Tonight and Heat Wave Music Videos

Amy Speace comes into Rockwood Music Hall tonight.  She’s touring behind her new record, Land Like a Bird, a mostly atmospheric Americana, sometimes straight acoustic album written after Amy left this area and resettled in Nashville.   Given that Amy is no longer based in these parts, take tonight’s opportunity to see her.  Details about the show are waiting for you at Now I’ve Heard Everything; just click here.

I know, posting Heat Wave given last week’s scorching weather is kind of obvious.  But why not take this opportunity to see two version of this song.  The first is by Martha and The Vandellas, who had the original hit with this way back in the early 60s.  The group is obviously lip synching, but that’s OK.  It still gives us the opportunity to see the Motown choreography.  Next up is Linda Ronstadt.  This live performance of her reinterpretation of the song from 1976 absolutely smokes as well.  Just click here to see both videos.

–Eliot Wagner