POSTCARD FROM THE SLOPE_Just Like in the Movies

Ds021630_stdI know it’s not over yet. But the recent news from the Atlantic Yards is starting to feel an awful lot like the feel-good ending of a Frank Capra movie.

Just hours before the deadline, the Extell Development Company entered an 11th-hour proposal to the MTA for their
8.5-acre Atlantic Avenue Rail Yards.

Brooklyn community groups and politicians are greeting the new plan with 

One thought on “POSTCARD FROM THE SLOPE_Just Like in the Movies”

  1. If reasonable development is what you wish DON’T DREAM!
    Get involved in the fight against the Ratner plan. Write and call your elected officials, donate to Develop Don’t Destroy Brooklyn.
    Ratner and his allies are hoping that we all just sleep though this and let him have his way.

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