POSTCARD FROM THE SLOPE_Wassup with the Armory?

Armoryby Cathy Hannan
OTBKB Guest Writer

I keep wondering if the Park Slope Armory renovation at Eighth Avenue between 14th  and 15th Streets is having any impact on housing prices nearby. I’ve looked at some places close to it (one even right across 8th Avenue from the armory), and no brokers have mentioned it.

Is it just too soon? I hope that Ratner’s Sportsplex construction hasn’t changed anything regarding the Armory.  Same goes
fo NYC not getting the Olympics.

After an announcement almost 14 months ago, very little renovation work seems to be going on.  Borough Prez Marty Markovitz made a big deal at the beginning of July 2004 about the $16 million, two year renovation that would turn the nearly empty Armory into a "world class sports center".

Today all the progress that seems to have been made is that the scaffolding is gone and some roof drainage is in place. I’ve heard that work is being done on the interior but it looks pretty quiet, and peeking in the windows on 15th street doesn’t reveal anything other than a big
open empty space.

According to Ann Schaeltzel, legislative aide for Assemblyman Jim Brennan, Take the Field, the organization in charge of the project, expects to begin work in October 2005. The reason for the delay is that before permits are issued, Take the Field must submit an environmental
assessment, which includes a traffic study. The City requires that the traffic be
study to be conducted when school is in session, so it’s expected that the traffic study will done the second week in September and the Environmental Assessment  will likely be completed by late September.

Once work plans are in place,  Assemblymember Brennan plans to host,
along with Councilmember Bill de Blasio, an informational community meeting so neighbors can be up-to-date on the progress and plans for the sports facility at the Armory. Nothing is scheduled as of today, but hopefully by early fall they’ll be able to tell us if completion in 2006 is realistic.

I hope so. How great to be able to take yoga classes, play some hoops and maybe volunteer right in the neighborhood!

Armory photo by Cathy Hannan

Cathy Hannan has a blog called Lost and Frowned where you can find out about her Found Slide Foundation and watch a 24-hour webcam of her cat. Her slides will be part of the Howl Festival on Saturday August 27th at the Bowery Poetry Club.

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