Life is different now that Husband has a big job in Manhattan. Last night he came home at 10 p.m. He’s back to his old tricks of working late at the office. Back in the day when he was working for the uber-computer corporation he’s stay until 3 or 4 in the morning. Just you and the cleaning staff – I used to say.

Three years ago – he was outsourced from the uber-computer corporation and we had him all to ourselves. First there was severance – glorious severance. Then unemployment. Then Husband worked hard on his photography career – something he’d wanted to get back to for years – and was beginning to acrue a list of loyal clients.

But he was also around to prepare incredible dinners, pick Daughter up from school, become a major role model to Son. He was so around I was happy to have my office out of the apartment so that we weren’t on top of each other all day. But it was fun to meet for sushi lunch and do other stuff during the day. Once, we went to the Brooklyn Museum during the day. That was to see the Basquiat show and it was a treat.

But now…He’s distracted the way new jobs distract you. He’s stressed in that way that new jobs stress you. He’s busy in that way…

Fortunately he’s still making time for the photography career. On Saturday he will be selling pictures at the Old Stone House…

The last there years were an experiment in trying to survive without full time jobs. Both of us had lots of freelance work and were just about making ends meet. Now we’re back in the race. Thanks to Husband’s new job, we’ve got health insurance (starting in March), benefits, retirement stuff, stock options and all the rest.

Consequently, we’re passing like ships in the night. The family didn’t eat dinner together yesterday.  Husband even missed American Idol. He came home late just like he used to – all tired and spent.

But hey, it’s a living.