Remember Prints Charming, that framing shop that was on Seventh Avenue near
Lincoln Place. Olive Vine went in there about a year now. So what happened to Prints
Charming. He reappeared in an e-mail. Note to the PRINCE: HANG IN THERE.

I assume that is your name since that is what came up.  This is the
first time I have read your blog, and I found it most interesting, well
written and fun.  A friend of mine who reads you regularly told me your address, and she also mentioned that you had mentioned me in your blog. 

I am Jo Irwin, the owner of Prints Charming, the framing and print shop which used to operate out of a storefront on Seventh Avenue.  I wanted to let you know that I did not go out of business as I guess you assumed, but instead moved around the corner to 150 Sterling Place into the ground floor of my brownstone there.  I operate during the week and also by appointment. 

The phone number has remained the same. I would love it if you stopped by at some time if you are around.  I don't know
where you live, so I don't know if it is convenient for you.  My hours are similar to the old ones - T-Sat 12-7pm, Sun 11-5 and Mon 12 - 7pm.  I'm afraid the escalation of rents made it totally unfeasible for me to continue business on Seventh Ave., and being on a side street is making it pretty difficult for me to continue business here, so it seems one can't win!  Still, I'm hanging in so far.