They really got me on this one. Two of my favorite things: Beat Poetry and Steve Buscemi. ("He is the perfect celebrity," said I to The New York Observer).

I am so so there: Monday, February 20th at the Issue Project Room (Carroll Street between Bond and Nevins.)

Like wow big daddy. A minimum donation of $20. gets you through the door. But you can always put a little more in the donation box if you want to support Park Slope’s center for  experimental music, poetry, and performance.

An evening of readings honoring Beat Poets of the Past, with actor
Steve Buscemi and poets Anne Waldman and Bob Holman.

Acclaimed actor, writer and director Steve Buscemi recently won the
Independent Spirit Award, the New York Film Critics Award and was
nominated for a Golden Globe for his role in Ghost World directed by Terry Zwigoff.

Anne Waldman, poet, editor, performer, professor, curator, cultural
activist, carries in her genetics the lineages of the New American
Poetry, and is a considered an inheritor of the Beat (Allen Ginsberg
called her his "spiritual wife") and New York School.

Bob Holman , recently dubbed a member of the "Poetry Pantheon" by th New York Times Magazine and featured in a Henry Louis Gates, Jr. profile in The New Yorker, Bob Holman has previously been crowned, "Ringmaster of the Spoken Word"

8:00 p.m., $20 minimum donation. This event is a benefit for ISSUE PROJECT ROOM