The Spring issue of BKLYN Magazine is OUT. Some SUBSCRIBERS have already received their copies in the mail. I didn’t get mine yet but Diaper Diva did and she said it looks good. 

OH. Didn’t you know that BKLYN is now a subscription magazine? It’s also available at Brooklyn and Manhattan newstands. By Tuesday (2/28) it should be in the Seventh Avenue and Court Street Barnes and Nobles, Book Court (163 Court Street), Musicians General Store (213 Court Street, A Novel Idea Bookstore (8415 Third Avenue) and Shakespeare’s Sister (270 Court Street).

It used to be free (when it was part of the Heart of Brooklyn group). But now BKLYN is its very own thing. So you MUST SUBSCRIBE so that it can AFFORD TO BE its very own thing. And so that you can receive it four times a year. Hopefully it will be coming out even more often. Soon. 

It takes a while for a magazine to find its way and BKLYN is finding its way. And it’s starting to feel like a hip, in-the-know mag filled with great stories you want to read cover to cover. It buzzes a little and will make you laugh. It’s got important stories – politics, art, real estate, books, food and more. And I’m in there, too.

Read me in this issue. I’ve got a wordy (!) piece about a local activist in Beverley Square West who is trying to get that area landmarked, despite opposition from those who prefer red brick exteriors and don’t want the government to  tell them what they can and can’t do with their houses.

And I’ve got shorter pieces in there about Issue Project Room, Perch, and a 400 lb. bronze sculpture somewhere in Brooklyn, owned by someone in Brooklyn. Read all about it in BKLYN.

There’s other good stuff, too. David Berreby talks about his smart, thought-provoking book, "Us and Them" and helps us understand the inner tribalness in all of us. Plus "The Messiah of Eastern Parkway" and "The Race for District 11."

Good stuff in there. Read it. Subscribe. Keep me employed.