Did I mention that Grace of the blog Design Sponge (d*s) made it into NEW YORK MAGAZINE’S list of peopel to watch in 2006? I thought that was pretty cool (Who says blogging isn’t the happening thing?)  also  learned on Rare Device, that Grace has a piece in  NEW YORK HOME MAGAZINE about Park Slope style. Check it out if you can find the mag (details to come).

I just visited D*S for the first time in a while and I see that she’s done a total rehab/redesign of her site and she’s really moving and shaking. I really like her new logo.

If you’re interested in decor, design, furniture, and all that kind of stuff, you’ve got to know about Design Sponge. Here’s her news on what’s been going on over there.

have been crazy at d*s lately and i wanted to thank all of you for your
support, emails and tolerance of the numerous coding snags we’ve had
trying to get the new site up (my coder and designer are saints for
putting up with me through this). i’m talking with another coder
tomorrow morning to try and get this thing up and running, so in the
meantime, i wanted to give you a sneak peek into what’s coming on
monday (new look or not):

  • d*s mini trends!:
    this little sponge likes to window shop new trends, so why not share my
    finds with everyone? this column will be a weekly look into micro
    trends cropping up in the industry and examples (with links!) of how to
    bring each look into your home. the first trend article will set sail next monday…
  • sponged!:
    links to the latest and greatest on the design world (including
    magazine, newspaper and design articles that are must reads for the
  • ask d*s!: i get so many emails during
    the day asking for shopping suggestions, so i’m going to share the
    results with readers twice a week so we can all benefit from a little
    spongey research
  • d*s reader recs!: you guys
    know your stuff so now d*s readers can take advantage of our design
    savvy audience by sending in a picture of their own home for advice on
    paint colors, furniture arranging, furniture, etc. send in YOUR photo now for next week (subject: reader rec)! once or twice a week depending on demand)


  1. Hi! Thanks so much for this- it’s always nice to connect (web-wise) with another Brooklynite.
    Saw your post about connecting at the 2nd Street cafe- I live upstairs from the restaurant, drop a line if you’re ever there again and perhaps we can talk Brooklyn web :)
    Grace (

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