This piece in the Times by Lawrence Van Gelder about a famous poetry bookshop in Cambridge, Mass. caught my eye. Where do YOU buy your poetry books?

The Grolier Poetry Book Shop in
Harvard Square, the oldest poetry
bookstore in the United States, is
about to change hands for the second
time in eight decades, Publishers
Weekly reported. The influential
store, opened in 1927 and a favorite of
poets including E. E. Cummings,
T. S. Eliot and Marianne Moore, has
been sold to
Ifeanyi Mentiki,
a professor of
philosophy at
Wellesley College.
He is also a
poet whose most
recent collection,
"Of Altai,
the Bright
Light," was published
last year by Earthwinds Editions.
"The store has meant a lot to so
many of us," he said. "I wanted to
make sure it continued." The sale, by
Louisa Solano, who owned the store
for 31 years, was prompted by her ill
health and will become final tomorrow.
"I’m going to catch up on 30
years of sleep," Ms. Solano said.