Countdown to the 30th high school reunion of the Upper West Side progressive high school that no longer exists.

I’ve been looking forward to it for months but all of a sudden I am sort of dreading it. Again. The planning has been kinda of fun. More than once I’ve felt that the planning satisfied any need for a reunion. We met about six times over as many months – for dinners at Gracious Host’s art filled apartment, at the restaurant where we’re having the party.

Do we really need a reunion, afterall?

And what am I going to say to all those other people. Just yesterday another classmate was tracked down. She and her husband are coming. They are kosher so they said they wouldn’t be  eating. A spirited e-mail conversation ensued among the reunion planning team.

Hedge Fund: We did not make arrangements for kosher food.  It would probably be a nice gesture if we did.

Corporate Lawyer: Usually, the restaurant can organize them.  If not, there’s various kosher places around that will deliver.  Someone can check Zagat, but I am up to my ass in alligators this week.

Hedge Fund: That’s easy for you to say…Where should we seek out these two boxed kosher dinners?

Magazine Publisher: Don’t ya think there’s enough vegaterian stuff that will suffice?

Corporate Lawyer:
Beats the s–t out of me.  Y’know, they seemed resigned to not eating, so maybe we should just not complicate our lives.

Hedge Fund: I’ll ask. If they can accommodate us, fine. If not, they do seem resigned to starvation

Corporate Lawyer: Avadim hayenu, we were slaves….

Magazine Publisher: Geez, no good deed…

Newspaper Editor: By the way, i only eat food that’s halal now.

Former High School Principal: I’m on a gluten-free diet  and I am lactose-intolerant…

Corporate Lawyer: I’m going home now

Magazine Publisher:
You guys are soooooo bad…

Hysterical. For me at least.

Meanwhile, Screenwriter, Opera Singer and I are set to meet today to go over the program. We’re testing out the amp, microphone, the video projector, our speeches. We’ll be dry-running through the show. Opera Singer may even sing the song she’s planning on singing on Saturday night.

Again, who needs the reunion? Let’s just do it at Screenwriter’s house and call it a day. There’s lots to do this week in preparation for the event like…

…ah, make myself look the way I looked 30 years ago. Well, that ain’t gonna happen. We’ll see what Frajean can do for me (stylist to the Slope)…and I still haven’t figured out what I’m going to wear.