Screenwriter, Opera Singer  and I spent the better part of the afternoon together at Screenwriter’s house in Park Slope. We listened to the playlist that Opera Singer put together of mid-seventies music through Teen Spirit’s bass amp which I lugged over from Third Street. The playlist is great…shhh it’s a secret.

Screenwriter set up the video projector and we looked at the montage of digital photos of the yearbook projected on the wall.

Later, we went through the program from beginning to end. Screenwriter practiced her speech, which is, of course, beautifully written. Opera Singer and I applauded her.

I got to practice my opening remarks and all my intros to the speakers.  Opera Singer played us the two songs she is choosing between for the show. We decided which one she should sing. Shhhh. It’s a secret.

Over at Screenwriter’s I don’t know what pocessed me, I sent an email to the group that went like this:

ME: Are we having a table in front where people who haven’t paid can pay? What about name tags? I know it’s dopey but for the spouses, friends
and teachers it could be a good idea. Also a way to get people to
stop at the table. Thoughts on the matter?

This innocent question provoked quite an in depth discussion of name tags and other related issues.

CORPORATE LAWYER: What about pictures?  Will people bring cameras? 
Should we get disposables?

HEDGE FUND: Yes to everything…

FORMER PRINCIPAL: Definitely name tags.


MAGAZINE PUBLISHER: Who will do them. I am out of town, sorry.

FORMER PRINCIPAL: We just need blank name tags and some felt-tipped pensat the entrance for people to write their own names. Everyone should be encouraged to do it.  Though classmates may recognize each other (though doubtful) and you don’t want to say, "You’ve changed so much Idid not recognize you!"), the faculty will definitely be challenged.  As an example, it is clear from reaction to my photo on the website  no one recognized me in my bald state after I lost my long flowing, silk-like hair….(except Louise – thank you, Louise).Can someone there pick up the name tags at a stationary store with a few relatively wide felt-tips (not too thin, can’t read; black is best)?  If not, I will bring from Ohio.

HEDGE FUND: I will take care of the name tags.

Problem solved—thanks to Hedge Fund. One of the things we learned at the Upper West Side Progressive High School That No Longer Exists is how to work together. Cooperation.

Appropos of that, Screenwriter sent me an email with an interesting observation: "The  reunion planning committee is ALMOST IDENTICAL to the class of ‘76
yearbook committee!!  Even Magazine Publisher was on the yearbook, I
didn’t remember that. Funny how nothing ever changes."

Four more days and then all this planning will be over. Four more days…