On May 18th at 8 p.m., BROOKLYN READING WORKS at the OLD STONE HOUSE presents members of 808 Union Writer’s Group, a writer’s group that has been meeting just about every Tuesday night for ten years.

808 was started by Marian Fontana, the author of the recently published memoir, "A Widow’s Walk."

In a structured yet unobtrusive way, the group members try to help one another strengthen and sharpen the work they bring in, which includes fiction, poetry, memoir, screenwriting, playwriting and non-fiction. The mix of styles and genres enhances the group and keeps it interesting.

So don’t miss the reading on May 18th at 8 p.m. with:

Louise Crawford (AKA Smartmom and OTBKB) reading poems from "Five Ten on Tuesday."
Marian Fontana reading new work.
Kevin McPartland reading "The Old Neighborhood," a short story about Park Slope in the early 1960’s.
LaCanas Tucker reading poetry.
Wendy Ponte reading fiction.

Pencil Photo by Wes@flickr