We had a moth infestation in our basement. Turns out they really, really, really like rugs. In the last couple of days I have spent hours in the basement packing things up and throwing them away.

It feels so god damn good to throw stuff away. Especially stuff I’ve been hanging onto like the car seat we brought Teen Spirit home from the hospital in (in June 1991) or dozens of OSFO’s tiny onesies (from spring 1997).

Hepcat refuses to throw out old computer and photography magazines. But he was willing to throw away an empty computer box he’s been hanging onto for years. "I guess we’re keeping that computer," he said. 

I found boxes of books that belonged to someone who lived here more than 15 years ago — an interesting assortment of bestsellers: The Shining, Papillion, The Art of Loving, lots of Stephen King.

There were many books on shorthand and other secretarial skills, as well as child development books.

OSFO and friends are having a giant book, lemonade, and donut holes sale today. There’s been quite a bit of traffic on Third Street. A Mr. Softee truck guy stopped by for some lemonade. So did the postman.

The moths seem to be gone now. But they inspired this incredible purging. Thank you moths. Thank you.