HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARK SLOPE PARENTS! Believe it or not, the parenting list-serve is four years old.

"Over the past 4 years, our Park Slope Parents community has grown
tremendously to include more than 4,500 families, two Yahoo Groups and a website. We’ve discussed strollers, schools, breastfeeding, parking, babysitters, restaurants, religion, discipline, values and so much more (not to mention swinging and lost blue hats!)." 

To help celebrate PSP’s 4th BIRTHDAY, PSP is asking members to donate to support the website.

“With success comes growing pains: Given limited website resources, some of the valuable information on the website is increasingly being exchanged "off-line" between individuals. Some topics are frequently repeated ("What holiday bonus is appropriate for a nanny?" "Can I take a car seat on a plane?") because the website isn’t constantly updated.

PSP is confident that member donations will help them revamp the website without instituting  advertising on the website.  Monies are needed for software, design, and implementation, project management, editors and programmers.

"We are recommending $40-less than one latte or video rental each month for a year. We appreciate anything you can give and hope those who are able will give more. "

PSP is hoping to build a NEW IMPROVED website with:
–Continuously updated content such as Preschool/Daycare and Summer
Camp information

–Better navigation and organization


–Better search functionality on the site as well as the ability to
search all the former yahoo messages without trying to navigate the Yahoo
site and search.

Click here to make a contribution