After more than a week of swimming in the pool, diving, sitting by the pool, sunning, OSFO and Teen Spirit are now doing pool tricks.

Y’know: comic dives, falls into the pool that look accidental; play fighting that ends with a convincing one-two punch into the pool.

Sometimes they want an audience as in "Mom, look at me!" or "We’re putting on a show, WATCH." But most of the time they’re doing it to amuse themselves.

Here are some classics: you stare at your reflection in the pool and then fall in. Oops. Or you pretend to help your sister out of the pool and then throw her back in. "Yikes!"

All pool tricks are accompanied by silly yelps and "Omigod" or "Yowza." It’s amazing how long this can go on.

It’s the kind of stuff you can’t really do at a public pool where you’re not supposed to jump.

But here, we’ve got this pool to ourselves (it’s well supervised, you can be sure) and they’ve succumbed to endless prank falls, pratfalls, stunts. They’ve even tried flips.

Pool tricks.