She knows it’s a corny idea. But that’s why I like Creative TImes. She’s not afraid to go with it. I’m going to try it, too. Check out her blog for more creative ideas.

The thing is, I have a little habit of focusing on "problems" rather
than giving my attention to what’s going well in life. So I finally
started to keep a gratitude journal, first in an actual paper journal
and then in a computer file. At the end of each day, I list ten simple
things that I feel grateful for. It’s a great way to end the day and
gets my attention on what’s going well.

Here’s one of my lists:

Finding greeting card with Quentin Blake illustration
(see above image)
Finding Brenda Ueland’s
If You Want to Write for $2.oo
Nice chat with middle school principal
Hugging Carol, the security guard at PS 6
Rearranging the office
Buying palm tree/hula girl earrings for my friend’s birthday
Wearing new terrycloth flip-flops
Spotting two red dachsunds the size of baby seals
Listening to Missy Elliott while working out
Watching Project Runway with my sweetie
Getting advice from fellow co-op shopper about best cheese to buy for pizza
Making pizza at home

–From Creative TImes