Sweet Melissa’s, nice to have you on Seventh Avenue. Everyone is buzzing about you. You’re the talk of Seventh Avenue as in "Hey, the Times had something about them yesterday" or "It’s very pretty." "It’s really big."

I’ve been and I like it. Actually, it’s my new hang — no, I’m not abandoning my seat at Conn Muff. Diaper Diva, OSFO and I just like to try new things from time to time.

It’s a bit more serious than Conn Muff. You need a little bit more time for the waiter service. It’s not your quick – let’s meet for a latte kind of place. It’s a more formal: "We need to talk. Do you want to meet at Sweet Melissa’s?"

It’s a perfect place to have a elegant treat with a good friend on her birthday.

Tea with one’s mother, sister, or friend is a must. It’s a bit pricey. But we really needed a place for high tea.

I plan on visiting Sweet Melissa’s with a notebook or writing paper. It looks like the place to go for writing letter or thank you notes. Good for writing poetry, or notes for my Smartmom column.

I predict it will be the cafe of choice for those serious friend-to-friend chats ("You’ve been acting weird. What’s going on?"). The tables are close, though. It’s not ideal for telling a  friend you’re cheating on your husband or something equally confidential.

It was ideal for my meeting with a published author who will "critiquing" one of my short stories. I "won" this service at the PS 321 auction and we met to discuss. His name is Tom Rayfil and he has a book coming out in January about a young mother in Park Slope. It’s called: PARALLEL PLAY. I’m reading and enjoying it right now. A must-read for all Park Slope literary buffs. He will be reading at Brookyn Reading Works on May 24th,  2007.

Sweet Melissa’s, it’s nice to have you around.

Pix of Court Street Sweet Melissa’s from Flickr: ttp://flickr.com/search/?w=all&q=Sweet+Melissa%27s+Brooklyn&m=text


  1. Speakin of Twits, as it were…
    Hey! Hey! (purple)
    If my hey’s were purple…..would I still see moonlight with the same detachment as that of watching the Peterbilt pass silently through the ghost loop of my semi conscious state, full tilt, downhill runaway, lights blaring, air horn wailing….and the silence rolling off the pavement like a bad 3-D black and white movie, with the sound turned way down? It ran through the intersection of my space in time, and passed through my etherial presence like a gossemer image in slow motion mime.
    Only in a place where every driver seems to think he has pole position in the Taledega 500. Hiway 82, Eastbound out of Montgomery. Its why so many songs have been written about it. Happened yesterday. Really. No twitness, at all. Staright up. I am a changed man, forever. Call it the ghost of Hiway 82.
    Who said I didn’t have the right to wander in here and rant the chuck of the mutton?? They must be drooling loonies….

  2. High tea is such a misnomer her in New York, at least. High tea has bacon and eggs and perhaps ham. What Sweet Melissa’s (and other NY establishments) serve is tea. Sometimes it’s a cream tea if there is clotted cream and scones.

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