The Domino Sugar sign next to the Williamsburg Bridge may become a New York City landmark if preservationists get their way. This from the New York Times:

Now, the sign may point the way to the borough’s next big historic preservation fight.

month, the Waterfront Preservation Alliance of Greenpoint and
Williamsburg formally asked the city’s Landmarks Preservation
Commission to consider the old sugar factory for landmark status.

plan for a project combining market-rate and low-income housing at the
site is being drafted by the partnership that bought the property
shortly after the factory closed in 2004. It consists of the Community
Preservation Corporation, a nonprofit organization, and Isaac Katan, a
private developer.


The preservationists, supported by the
local City Council member, David Yassky, want any development to
conform with the factory, a hulking brick Romanesque Revival structure
that dates to the late 19th century and recalls an era when New York
was the nation’s leading sugar producer.

Mr. Yassky angered
local preservationists last year by helping to override the landmark
designation of a nearby warehouse. The Domino plant, he said, is more
significant. “It’s an icon,” he said. “It’s a landmark in the popular
sense of the word. When I talk to people in Queens or Manhattan about
that part of my district, I say it’s right by the Domino Sugar factory,
and they know where that is.”

Picture from Flickr:

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