More on the alleged racial profiling by a New York Police Department Captain from New York 1:

Officers from Transit Bureau 30 in Brooklyn said that during roll
call last week, Captain Michael Vanchieri instructed them to stop and
frisk all black males in certain stops along the F-line in the Park
Slope area.

Members of the organization 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care
and the National Latino Officers Association say they are outraged and
they are calling for Vanchieri to resign.

They also want a federal probe into the matter as well as a full investigation by the NYPD.

"It should be obvious to all those who respect the Constitution,
who respect the laws and regulations, that there are some serious
violations that occurred as a result of that direction," said Marq
Claxton of 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement.

"It can’t be done,” added Anthony Miranda, of the National Latino
Officers Association. “It’s a violation of people’s civil rights. It’s
something that as a community the people are already outraged. And what
they’re doing is putting police officers in a position of

Police Commissioner Ray Kelly maintains Captain Vanchieri was misunderstood.

"He gave a description of those individuals and asked if anybody
sees them, if anyone matched that description, to stop and speak to
them,” said Kelly in a statement. “All indications are that there was
some sort of misunderstanding as to what his directions were."