OSFO really likes the Chicken Caesar Salad at Tempo Presto. She had it two days in a row for a snack (she come out of afterschool ravenous).

She ordered the Cookies and Cream gelato two days in a row and refuses to give me a taste.

I had the Corned Beef Reuben Sandwich for dinner on Thursday night and it is FANTASTIC.

DIaper Diva went in yesterday and was duly impressed with the decor. All she had was a Diet Coke.

Some neighbors from the building came in. They’d been avoiding the place because they thought it was a fancy franchise. They did, however, enjoy their gelato.

The only blemish: On Thursday. OSFO and her lunch pal came in with their Ooodle of Noodles soup from the newstand and sat at a table. They were fully planning to buy gelato after they finished their soup. "If you are not going to buy anything, you can’t sit here," the owner told her. Just the night before he’d been super friendly with OSFO and me. They left. They were too shy (or upsetP to mention that they were planning to buy gelato after they finished their soup.

"He picked the WRONG kids to kick out of his store," OSFO told me when I picked her up from school.

She seems to have forgiven the owner, who is a very nice guy. And it seems he made nice with her on Friday. Phew.


  1. i certainly don’t think it’s unreasonable for the manager to have asked the kids to leave if they came in, sat down and opened their home-made lunches… how was he to know they were planning on buying gelato when they were done? and even so… seems an odd thing to saunter into a restaurant, sit down in their tables and eat food that you brought in from the outside.

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