A groundbreaking for junior golf center in Dyker Heights. This from New York 1:

Local school children and avid golfer Mayor Michael Bloomberg were
on hand to break ground on the new project Wednesday. By next year at
this time, Dyker Beach Park in Brooklyn will be home to the first ever
public junior golf center in the city and in the nation.

“This is a great investment in our city’s future because for years
to come it’s going to help young New Yorkers develop their love for the
game and their sportsmanship,” said Bloomberg.

The 11.8 acre space will hold a six-hole golf course, driving
range, and practice facility with free golf instruction. A clubhouse
featuring a classroom learning center and an outdoor seating area will
also be in store.

“We now have a lot of kids that can really play the game,” said
City Parks Foundation Sports Director Mike Silverman. “We decided if we
could find a piece of land in New York that was available and free, we
would try to build a facility just for kids.”

“Ever since Tiger Woods hit the scene, every city kid wants to
learn and play golf so this is meeting the need and it teaches them a
great sport for life,” said David Rivel, executive director of City
Parks Foundation. “And even if they don’t become great golfers, they
will become comfortable on the course and learn about etiquette and

The $6 million Junior Golf Center is expected to be completed and
open to the public in September of 2007 and avid junior golfers are
already anxious to give this new course a try.

“I think it would be really great because I think we can now
practice during the whole year,” said Jessica Plotnikov, a golfer. “And
we don’t have to travel anywhere and it’s really close.

“It’s an active sport that kids like and they want to join it,”
added another young golfer, Elijah Broderick. “It’s a good idea for
them to build this place.

The City Parks Foundation has been sponsoring free golf programs
for kids since 1999. Come next fall, there will be a new place for kids
from ages five to 17 to swing away.

-Michelle Yu