Advice for your last run before the marathon on Sunday from the ING NYC Marathon website.

In this final week before the ING New York City Marathon 2006, you
should run no more than 15 or 20 miles all together, not including the
race, and take one or two days off completely. When you choose to do
your last run before the marathon is a matter of personal preference.
Some runners feel looser and more confident if they run the day before
the race, others find taking that day off gets them to the starting
line with maximum energy. Just make certain that you last run is as
planned and deliberate as all the training that has come before it.
Here’s how your last run can serve as the perfect cap to your months of

Keep it positive. The last
run serves a few purposes, mostly mental. It can help you physically to
work out the kinks of waiting, and mentally to reconnect with your
inner runner. The final run warms up your muscles, says coach Mike
Keohane, but it also gives you a chance to soak in some of ambiance of
New York during race week. “Run a little of the course at the lower end
of Central Park—it’s exciting to see the banners up on the lampposts,”
he says.