Smartmom has been doing battle with a lingering summer fly in her office. It must be the unseasonably warm, freaky, weather.

This annoying fly entered her office through an open window the other day. Now it won’t leave. It’s a fast little bugger flying around the room. It stays out of Smartmom’s way for a while. But then it swoops down to get in Smartmom’s face.

That’s when Smartmom flies into action. She tries to swat the thing with her hand. She tries to catch it with her Starbuck’s coffee cup. She chases after it on her rolling office chair.

She really needs a fly swatter.

Damn. It’s war between Smartmom and that fly. By the end of Friday Smartmom had really had it with that fly.

Shoo. Shoo. Fly away, fly. You’re getting on Smartmom’s nerves.