President Bush is set to announce his decision to send more troops to Iraq in a speech this week. This inter-faith service at Old First Church in honor of Martin Luther King comes at a perfect time. Come see leaders of many faiths put aside their differences and come together against the war.  It’s very inspiring.

Martin Luther King Holiday Observance: Citizen MLK
"Remembering Dr. King with Heart and Mind"

Jeremiads by this generation of clergy & leaders on inequitable and unjust policy abroad AND at home

Sunday, January 14th 4 PM sharp
Old First Reformed Church 729 Carroll St. @ 7th Ave., Park Slope

For more info: contact Brown Memorial Baptist Church at (718) 638-6121

or Old First Reformed Church at (718) 638-8300

Observe the MLK Holiday with our Pastors, Rabbis, Imams and leaders as they reflect on Dr. King, clergyman, countryman and war critic.

There will also be a discussion of the best way to practice democracy as a person of God. Stand together as one human family and tell our elected officials: Stop Recruiting Our Kids for Iraq.

Join us in a call to action concerning peace, justice and the re-distribution of our tax dollars for our local needs.

Featuring: Citizen MLK Juniors An Interfaith Youth Presentation.

Participating congregations:  Memorial Baptist Church, First Unitarian Congregational Society in Brooklyn, Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church, Congregation Beth Elohim, Old First Reformed Church, Concord Baptist Church of Christ, Council of People’s Organizations, Islamic Mission of America,“ Dawood Mosque, First Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn Heights and others