The Future City Competition is this weekend in Brooklyn at Polytechnic University located at Six Metro Tech Center. Here’s an excerpt from the story in New York 1:

Dozens of seventh and eighth graders are taking part in the Future City Competition, an engineering program that lets students create miniature models of what they imagine the city will look like in the next century.

The 15-year-old contest is designed to foster teamwork and teach students that their actions are connected with the future…

The kids have been working on the projects every day after school and on Saturdays since September, learning some real world lessons.

“You have to do it to scale and you have to make sure it’s not too big, not too small,” said Empire City team member, Galina Espineo. “People are always putting in new buildings.”

Forty-four teams from 20 different schools, 15 from in the city, are competing in the regional competition, which takes place this weekend in Brooklyn at Polytechnic University.

The winning team will represent New York at the national finals next month in Washington, D.C., where the championship team will be awarded with a trip to Space Camp.