How can you NOT love a bookstore that has a Jewish Philosophy Reading Club and a Underappreciated Book Club? Come on.


Tuesday, February 20, at 8pm:


Jewish Philosophy Book Club: Martin Buber‘s I and Thou


 Please join us at the next Jewish Philosophy Book Club meeting, where we’ll be discussing Martin Buber‘s I and Thou . Written in 1923 and immediately recognized as a classic, I and Thou
has had such a profound influence in the field that almost every Jewish
philosopher since Buber is compelled to address his ideas in one way or
another.  It should make for interesting discussion. Everyone is welcome. 




Wednesday, February 21, at 7:30pm:


Unappreciated Book Club: D. H. Lawrence‘s The Lost Girl


An interesting Lawrencian journey of self-discovery and (no surprise) sexual awakening, The Lost Girl has not received nearly the same kind of critical attention as many of his other novels….  Until now! The
Unappreciated Book Club will convene to discuss the merits of this lost
classic, and perhaps to sip a little wine and enjoy some pleasing
conversation as well.  All are welcome.  




Any questions, please email me at joshua.milstein@ . Hope to see you there!