This from the Daily News:

Nearly half the traffic in Park Slope is created
by drivers cruising around for parking spots due to jam-packed curbs,
according to a new study unveiled yesterday.

"What we have now is the equivalent of a Russian bread line," said Paul
Steely White, executive director of Transportation Alternatives, the
advocacy group that conducted the study.

"Except instead of bread, it’s parking, and instead of peasants
standing in lines, we have cars circling the block," White said.

The study – titled "No Vacancy" – found an average of 95% of the
parking spots on the main commercial drag on Seventh Ave. between Union
and 12th Sts. were occupied. It also found that one in six vehicles in
the neighborhood was parked illegally.

"We need to apply market solutions to our streets, and this is where we
start," said White, who rode away on a bicycle after yesterday’s press
conference to unveil the 21-page report.

Major findings of a new study on the lack of parking spaces in Park Slope by the advocacy group Transportation Alternatives.


  • 45% of all traffic on Seventh Ave. is cruising for parking space.


  • One in six cars in Park Slope is parked illegally.


  • The vacancy rate for parking spots along Seventh Ave.
    between Union and 12th Sts. was 6% on average, and close to zero during
    peak business hours.

    1. I can’t shop in Park Slope because of the parking. What I wish – that there were a Park And Ride at about 15th St and 7th Ave. And that there were a shopper’s trolley – for free – that you could hop on and hop off, that ran between, say, 15th St. and – oh, I don’t know – Union? President? Berkeley?

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